Ruchika Thukral

Have worked with Women's Web, a space dedicated for the marginalized voices of women and LGBTQ domain. Have studied extensively relationships in literature to understand the social dynamics that affect a relationship

signs a woman is not attracted to you

15 Signs A Woman Is Not Attracted To You And What To Do Next

It can feel miserable or even heartbreaking but you must accept when someone does not feel the same way as you do. It’s not your (or her) fault or a reflection of you as a person. So, if you’re crushing on a woman and don’t know how she feels, then you must learn how to tell if she’s not into you. Then you can try to fix the situation before it gets awkward for you both.

15 Signs A Woman Is Not Attracted To You And What To Do Next Read More »

Social media and relationships

Social Media And Relationships – The Prosextensive panel of therapists and psychologists And Cons

Like everything else, the subject of social media and relationships has polarized public opinion. There are enough documentaries, research, and self-proclaimed lifestyle gurus that persecute the usage of networking apps. Ironically, much of this persecution is carried out on the same apps. At this point, it’s logical to accept that social media is here to stay. But the critics are not completely wrong.

Social Media And Relationships – The Prosextensive panel of therapists and psychologists And Cons Read More »

how do you respond when a guy pulls away

5 Shocking Things To Do When A Man Pulls Away

Finding the right guy can be tricky, especially given the complex dynamics of modern dating. People, generally, have a fear of commitment and are likely to pull away. It is unfair to expect people to be constantly available whether in a relationship or while dating. Everyone has their way of processing emotions and may take their time in deciding whether or not they want to take a romantic equation to fruition.

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how does a cancer man test you

How Does A Cancer Man Test You – And What You Should Do

Cancer is one of the signs that wears its heart on its sleeve. Cancer men like to hold on to traditional ideals, and may take the role of ‘provider’ in the relationship quite seriously. They love fiercely and are highly sensitive. Therefore, don’t be surprised if you find your Cancer man testing the waters when it comes to relationships. Because the mighty crab likes to hold onto something solid before it decides to sink deep inside.

How Does A Cancer Man Test You – And What You Should Do Read More »

is he trying to make me jealous

13 Possible Signs He Is Trying To Make You Jealous

Popular culture has depicted binaries about jealousy in a relationship. Either it is something cute and romantic so the guy could win over the girl, or something unhinged, resulting in a massacre. But feeling jealousy in relationships is pretty common. It’s human, and can’t be controlled. However, ‘making’ someone jealous is another story altogether. So read on if you too are thinking, “Is he trying to make me jealous or not interested in me at all?”

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how to make a guy text you every day

15 Sureshot Ways To Make A Guy Text You Every Day

How to make a guy text you every day? This question is on my list of top ten infuriating things about having a crush on a guy. The others are: “How to get him to notice me?” and “How do you make a guy text you first after a fight?” But you don’t get a guy to open his eyes and see all the hints you drop by making lists. You do that by showing concern, empathy, and some flirting.

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