Blossoming of love between two people is a beautiful experience. Ah, the fluttering butterflies in the tummy, rose tainted eyes, an electric sense of excitement and promises of forever. Except when love blossoms for only one person and the other is as far from being on the same page as possible. Then, the same nervous-excited feeling can turn into an awkward disaster. The result? Some of the worst epic responses to I love you that you can ever imagine!
25 Worst Epic Responses To I Love You
Table of Contents
The complexities of modern relationships have made ‘I Love You’ the heaviest sounding three words. Gone are the days when people nonchalantly put a label of love on feelings of attraction. Today, you have to go through the rigmarole of ‘I’m attracted to you’, ‘I like you’, ‘I care about you’ before playing the big L card.
When you do, you can expect the other person to throw their arms around you and say it right back without hesitation or see them bolt at the speed of light.
No wonder it takes a lot of courage and build-up to tell someone that you love them, and when you do, anything short of ‘I love you too’ is a disaster. Unfortunately, a lot of us have been at the receiving end of such responses that were far from ideal.
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We asked our readers on Facebook about the worst epic responses to I Love You and these just take the cake:
1. It’s all the same to me
New Year, Diwali, I Love You – it’s clearly all the same to them. Hands down one of the most awful responses to I love you.
2. Food is bae
Only someone who knows a thing or two about eating their feelings can come up with such a funny response to I love you.
3. Bare Necessities
Talk about not being on the same page! This is among those worst epic responses to I love you that’s bound to sting.
4. Etiquettes on point
Well, they may not be in love but at least their manners are totally on point.
5. Self-love
At least, these two have something in common.
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6. Ouch!
We cannot think of more awful responses to I love you.
7. That’s one slow dude
Want to dodge the bullet? Play dumb! The best strategy and the worst possible response to I love you.
8. Cynical much?
Can you think of more awful responses to I love you to top this?
9. The overthinker
Was it a sarcastic response to I love you or quintessential overthinker behaviour? We can’t quite tell.
10. The pledge
Using the national pledge to wriggle out of a situation. This person is our hero for having outshone the worst epic responses to I love you.
11. Full marks on the confidence
This is borderline narcissistic. Wouldn’t you agree?
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12. The dramatic comeback
Now, here is a funny response to I love you that’s hard to match.
13. Gee, good for you
Not so much for the other person though. Just one of the most awful responses to I love you, we bet.
14. Yeah, why?
That’s what the person who said ‘I love you’ must be thinking too.
15. Leveraging like a boss
Because love-shove is great but someone’s got to do the chores.
16. Geek alert
As geeky as it is, this funny response to I love you has got to make you chuckle.
17. Not so much
A truly stinging sarcastic response to I love you.
18. Heart-shattering
This is one of those worst epic responses to I love you makes us feel for the poor love-struck fellow.
19. Nirvana
When confession of love makes you rethink your life choices.
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20. Nonchalantly killing it
Such indifference and nonchalance have to be on top of all awful responses to I love you lists.
21. Ah, the dreaded friendzone
Consigned to the friendzone. Honestly, there is no hope for this fella.
We don’t know what else to say to this funny response to I love you other than a doubling over with laughter.
23. That’s reassuring
This sarcastic response to I love you must have filled the other person with a new sense of hope and anticipation.
24. Got to think things through
Matters of the heart need serious consideration, we’re with you on that one. But this is still what we classify as one of the worst epic responses to I love you.
25. The power of time
If love is a wound, time the biggest healer. At least, this person is cushioning heartbreak with some sound life advice.
Have you heard worse? Let us know by dropping a comment below, we’re always all ears from such epic responses to I love you.
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