Sex and Passion

Some admit it, some won’t, but all are aware that sex and passion are as integral to a relationship, as emotional bonding. A relationship is healthy if there is both sexual and emotional compatibility.

Going on dates, holidays, binge-watching Netflix or spending quality time with the children have a very positive effect on the sense of well being of a person, but what kind of action one is having between the sheets also goes a long way to create a bonding between two individuals.

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Sexual Intimacy

Sexual Intimacy: Meaning, Benefits And Ways To Improve

In the realm of human connection, sexual intimacy stands as a potent catalyst, capable of transcending mere physicality and nurturing profound emotional bonds. Beyond mere pleasure, it entails fearlessly expressing our deepest desires, establishing a judgment-free haven for vulnerability, and embracing each other’s bodies. A robust sexual relationship acts as a conduit for transformation, nurturing

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showering together

7 Reasons Showering Together Is Great For Intimacy And How To Do It Right

In this fast-paced world, couples usually play down the importance of intimacy. We know most couples have a hectic schedule, but including that one part in daily routine can make a huge difference. That sweet little part that we’re talking about is showering together. Couples showering together not only helps them cleanse their body but

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