Abusive Relationship

Is My Boyfriend a Misogynist Quiz

Is My Boyfriend a Misogynist? Quiz

Remember that first coffee date, the butterflies, the shared dreams? Now, fast forward. The jokes that hurt, the constant unsolicited advice, the backhanded compliments that chip away at your confidence. That spark you felt at the start, it’s flickering. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Many women grapple with the question: “Is he a misogynist?” It’s

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ATTACHMENT DETAILS Is My Boyfriend Controlling Quiz

Is My Boyfriend Controlling? Quiz

Caring or controlling? It’s easy to mistake one for the other in relationships, but there’s a crucial difference – one makes you feel loved, and the other, scared. Enter the “Is My Boyfriend Controlling? Quiz,” a valuable tool for self-reflection designed to enhance your understanding of your boyfriend’s actions. Crafted by a psychologist with experience

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Are narcissists capable of love

Are Narcissists Capable Of Love?

Are narcissists capable of love? This is a question that weighs on the minds of a lot of people who have endured the narcissistic love patterns of idealization, devaluation, discarding, and hoovering. If you’re wrestling with it too, know that you’re not alone. We understand how emotionally draining and tumultuous a relationship with a narcissist

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why does my girlfriend hit me

Why Does My Girlfriend Hit Me? Expert Shares 11 Possible Reasons And Ways To Cope

“Why does my girlfriend hit me?” — Men hesitate to confess this personal crisis. A study says, “Domestic violence against men covers a broad range of violent acts such as physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, or financial abuse.” It’s quite underreported due to the myths surrounding male survivors. According to the CDC, 1 in

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phrases to shut down gaslighting

33 Phrases To Shut Down Gaslighting And Silence Gaslighters

A lot has been written (and read) about the phenomenon of gaslighting. Accusations and counter arguments, such as, “I never said that,” “You have a crazy imagination,” “Stop being so hysterical,” and “I was just joking,” hold so much more power than imagined. They make you doubt your own version of events, retreat into a

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dating a sociopath

18 Warning Signs You’re Dating a Sociopath & How To Protect Yourself

Sociopathy and psychopathy both fall under the category of anti-social personality disorders. However, a sociopath can be identified by certain specific traits – manipulation, aggression, and rebellion being just a few. If you find yourself in a relationship with a sociopath, your mental health and safety could be at risk. We explore the ways to identify a sociopath and how to protect yourself from one.

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