Ruchika Thukral

Have worked with Women's Web, a space dedicated for the marginalized voices of women and LGBTQ domain. Have studied extensively relationships in literature to understand the social dynamics that affect a relationship

how to know if you are an attractive guy

21 Definite Signs You Are An Attractive Guy

Signs of a handsome face such as symmetrical facial structure, high cheekbones, thick facial hair, or traits of a healthy and fertile body such as height or well-developed muscles are considered to be primary factors in attraction. But physical features can only create the feeling of attraction born out of primal behavior. Attraction is perpetuated when other factors such as confidence, behavior, and external stimuli are favorable.

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facetime date ideas

23 FaceTime Date Ideas To Strengthen Your Bond

Thanks to technological advancements, none of us have to rely on pigeons to send our dearest a portrait of an eggplant and a peach in rolled-up sheepskin. Video calling is getting better with every upgrade and every second day, a new app makes the rounds. If you’re snorting there thinking ‘What can couples do on FaceTime except talk like on a phone?’, then my friend, do we have some treats in store for you!

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