Dhriti Bhavsar

Dhriti Bhavsar is a highly qualified counselor with a Master's degree in psychology, specializing in clinical psychology. She is deeply passionate about destigmatizing conversations related to mental health and diverse relationships, especially for social minorities. Dhriti's counseling approach is rooted in empathy, active listening, and adaptability to each client's unique needs. She is committed to creating a welcoming and supportive atmosphere within the counseling setting, aiming to empower individuals to overcome challenges and enhance their overall well-being.

Am I Being Ghosted ? Quiz

Am I Being Ghosted? Quiz

Even though technology has made being connected much easier, it’s not had the same effect on dating. The current dating scene is full of insecurity and anxiety, and dating has become more of a performance. Amidst this charade, when double texting makes you “desperate” and it’s common to not get a text back for days […]

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Am I in a Situationship Quiz

Am I in a Situationship? Quiz

You act like a couple but you’re unsure whether you can give it that label? This “Am I In A Situationship Quiz” is here to the rescue! Created by a relationship counselor with a Master’s degree in psychology and extensive experience figuring out the complexities of modern love, this quiz delves into the murky waters

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Should We Break up Quiz

Should We Break Up? Quiz

Every relationship encounters challenges, but sometimes, the cracks become too deep to ignore. It’s not easy to know when to keep trying and when the relationship is past the point of saving. This is where our relationship counselor comes in. She’s crafted this 10 question quiz that will help you reflect on your relationship and

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Is My Boyfriend Cheating On Me_ Quiz

Is My Boyfriend Cheating on Me? Quiz

That nagging suspicion, the pit in your stomach – the fear that your boyfriend might be seeing someone behind your back can leave you restless. Trust, once broken, is hard to rebuild, and navigating the emotional turmoil of infidelity can be overwhelming. This quiz, designed by a relationship counselor with extensive experience helping couples navigate

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Is My Boyfriend Manipulative Quiz

Is My Boyfriend Manipulative? Quiz

This manipulative relationship test, designed by a relationship counselor with a Master’s in Psychology, can help shed light on a crucial question: is my boyfriend manipulating me? Do you ever find yourself questioning your own reality, feeling pressured to do things you’re uncomfortable with, or wondering if your boyfriend truly has your best interests at

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Am I Ready To Get Engaged Quiz

Am I Ready To Get Engaged? Quiz

Taking that next step in your relationship is exciting, but before popping the question, it’s important to be sure you’re truly ready to commit. Nobody can predict the future and tell you for certain whether getting engaged is a good idea. However, using her knowledge and expertise, relationship counsellor Dhriti Bhavsar, has created this ‘am

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