Is My Boyfriend Manipulative? Quiz

Quiz | | Expert Author , Psychologist
Updated On: May 8, 2024
Is My Boyfriend Manipulative Quiz
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This manipulative relationship test, designed by a relationship counselor with a Master’s in Psychology, can help shed light on a crucial question: is my boyfriend manipulating me?

Do you ever find yourself questioning your own reality, feeling pressured to do things you’re uncomfortable with, or wondering if your boyfriend truly has your best interests at heart? If you feel like he constantly wants the upper hand, this is another sign he might be manipulative. Manipulation can be subtle and insidious, leaving you confused and unsure. This is why you need to identify it and act accordingly, otherwise you end up regretting staying.

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Remember, a healthy relationship lifts you up, it doesn’t tear you down. This quiz can be a valuable tool in helping you recognize potential red flags and understand if your true happiness lies elsewhere.


  1. Does your boyfriend often make you feel guilty or responsible for his negative emotions or actions?
  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Frequently

2. Does your boyfriend try to control or dictate your behaviour, actions, or decisions?

  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Frequently

3. Does your boyfriend frequently use guilt-tripping or emotional manipulation to get what he wants?

  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Frequently

4.  Does your boyfriend gaslight you or deny your perceptions, feelings, or experiences?

  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Frequently

Related Quiz: Is my boyfriend controlling? Quiz

5. Does your boyfriend use threats, ultimatums, or intimidation to get his way?

  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Frequently

6. Does your boyfriend isolate you from friends, family, or support networks?

  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Frequently

7. Does your boyfriend manipulate or twist facts to make himself appear favorable or to undermine your credibility?

  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Frequently

8. Do you often feel confused, anxious, or emotionally drained after interacting with your boyfriend?

  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Frequently

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