Breakup advice

should I break up with my girlfriend

Should I Break Up With My Girlfriend? 12 Signs You Should

We don’t mean to play the devil’s advocate here, but if you’re wondering, “Should I break up with my girlfriend?”, deep down you probably already know the answer. You are only pondering this sixty-four-thousand-dollar question because the signs that we are going to talk about have probably crossed your mind already.  So, together, we’ll dive […]

Should I Break Up With My Girlfriend? 12 Signs You Should Read More »

Signs your ex never loved you.

13 Painful Signs Your Ex-Girlfriend/Boyfriend Never Loved You

Every relationship goes through different stages; a few sustain and a few deteriorate. None of it happens in a blink of an eye or overnight. There are always multiple red flags that you may have ignored because you were so smitten with your ex. However, a lack of clarity about how a partner felt about you can make dealing with a breakup far messier. 

13 Painful Signs Your Ex-Girlfriend/Boyfriend Never Loved You Read More »