Verbal Abuse

backhanded compliment examples

23 Backhanded Compliment Examples in Everyday Life That Are Actually Insults

Fake compliments that are disguised as insults can stress you out mentally and physically, and make you feel less than. Therefore, it is important to know what backhanded compliments are so that you don’t accidentally say things like that to someone. We have also put in some response examples so you know how to politely handle a situation in which someone gives you a backhanded compliment.

23 Backhanded Compliment Examples in Everyday Life That Are Actually Insults Read More »

Sad man covering face with hands

My wife hits me

Question: My wife has a bad temper. Often our disagreements turn to angry fights where she raises her hand to me. Obviously, I don’t hit her back when she slaps me or kicks me, but this is really no way to behave. In anger, she will also say terrible things like, ‘why did I marry

My wife hits me Read More »