Anger management

Do I Have Anger Issues

Do I Have Anger Issues? Quiz

Does anger feel like a constant companion, bubbling just beneath the surface and threatening to erupt at any moment? Do you find yourself frequently yelling, snapping, or engaging in heated arguments? Perhaps you’ve even noticed people slowly pulling away or hesitating to talk to you. If you’re questioning, “Do I have anger issues?” or “how

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why does my girlfriend hit me

Why Does My Girlfriend Hit Me? Expert Shares 11 Possible Reasons And Ways To Cope

“Why does my girlfriend hit me?” — Men hesitate to confess this personal crisis. A study says, “Domestic violence against men covers a broad range of violent acts such as physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, or financial abuse.” It’s quite underreported due to the myths surrounding male survivors. According to the CDC, 1 in

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avoid driving post-split

The Emotional Toll Of Breakups: 9 Reasons To Avoid Driving Post-Split

Breakups, universally acknowledged as one of life’s most challenging events, thrust individuals into a maelstrom of contrasting emotions. These feelings, which can span the spectrum from profound sorrow to seething anger, and occasionally a sense of liberation, often leave one’s mind preoccupied and distracted. During such emotionally charged times, tasks that necessitate focus and a

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dating a sociopath

18 Warning Signs You’re Dating a Sociopath & How To Protect Yourself

Sociopathy and psychopathy both fall under the category of anti-social personality disorders. However, a sociopath can be identified by certain specific traits – manipulation, aggression, and rebellion being just a few. If you find yourself in a relationship with a sociopath, your mental health and safety could be at risk. We explore the ways to identify a sociopath and how to protect yourself from one.

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