Love and Romance

Love and romance are the most important part of couple relationships. Both need to walk hand in hand for a relationship to last long. When romance is gone from love what we have is complacency.

Romance is usually at its best when two people are dating and then reaches a crescendo at the honeymoon and the year after that and then it starts waning. The problem is many people believe romance happens just like love but that is a wrong perception. Romance needs efforts to keep the spark alive in the relationship.
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dangers of premarital relationships

15 Dangers Of Premarital Relationships

Traditionally, premarital relationships were viewed with contempt and disapproval, especially in Indian society. People were expected to save themselves for marriage, and precocious premarital relationships were considered to have adverse effects on the individuals involved. However, over time that perception has changed to a large extent. As more and more people get involved with longterm

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