Vrushal Desai

A yogi, stock market enthusiast, and a student of Literature. I have spent most of my early adulthood as a photographer, a filmmaker, and heading a startup. After having the chance to create visual content I was longing to share more, that’s what writing is to me - a means to share my experiences in their complete depth and vibrancy. The pain of heartbreak I went through opened up the opportunity for me to turn my awareness inward. In wanting to explore the life that I carry within me, I was able to address various unconscious patterns I inherited from my parents and stop them from unconsciously manifesting in my romantic relationships. Having found myself as the only stable ground I could stand upon, I learned to navigate through adulthood, romantic relationships and most importantly balancing the metaphysical with the physical. Bonobology has become a means for me to share these life-transforming experiences and help others like me to come home, to themselves.
