Twin Flame Connection – Definition, Signs And Stages

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If love is a quest for companionship, then a twin flame connection is its embodiment in the highest form. It’s about finding that one person who is your wholesome half. Someone who reflects everything you are, someone who holds you up and pushes you to achieve greater heights, someone who excites and calms you, someone who becomes your home.

A partner who is ‘the one’ for you in the truest sense. A person for whom your heart explodes with a love so deep you didn’t know was even possible. In a world mired with heartbreaks, deceit and complicated relationship dynamics, this is definitely something to aspire to.

You don’t find your twin flame in your romantic partner only, there is twin flame friendship too. Every relationship can go through a twin flame test, but what can really turn out to be painful is a twin flame separation. To help you find your twin flame connection, we take a deeper look at its meaning as well as how to know you when you’ve found your twin soul and what are the different stages of this connection, with insights from practicing astrologer Kreena.

Twin Flame Connection Definition

A simple yet cohesive definition of a twin soul is having two bodies that share one soul. When such people come together it is known as a twin flame connection. Such a union is not a matter of chance or coincidence but is orchestrated by the divine forces.

Kreena describes a twin flame love connection as, “Someone who completes you, someone who makes you feel whole.” The twin flame energy in any relationship is characterized by happiness, harmony, peace, and of course, deep love. It is unarguably the deepest connection with another soul that you will experience during your time on earth.

Apart from a spiritual connection, the twin flame emotional connection is also extremely strong and acts like a glue that binds the two people together once they cross paths with each other. However, a twin flame connection isn’t restricted to a single plane or lifetime.

Such a connection goes beyond just coming together of two people to share their life journeys. It is the ultimate meeting of the spirits that leads to harmony in relationships – an event that helps you embark on a journey to access your own soul and exist as one with another person. With the twin flame explained, let’s now take a look at its purpose, elements, stages and how to recognize if you’re found your twin flame.

What is the purpose of a twin flame connection?

twin flame explained
Twin flame connection extends beyond just the bliss of deep love

As romantic as that description sounds, the real purpose of twin flame soul connection isn’t just swirling around in the bliss of love. Its aim is to help two people recognize and reach a higher purpose through their togetherness. Your twin soul will unearth all the baggage that you have been carrying around for years, consciously or subconsciously, which is keeping you from becoming the best version of yourself.

When a twin flame connection develops, it washes in its spate all the facades, lies, secrets, fears and inhibitions that you and your twin soul may have developed over the years as a defense mechanism against the ruthless ways of the world. The real purpose of the twin flame soul connection isn’t experiencing emotional highs, great sex or living an epic love story.

It’s a road to enlightenment. A wake-up call that will shake you up and lead you to a higher calling in life. It’s a gift from the universe, asking you to let go of the small desires and ambitions to achieve greater heights. With your twin soul by your side, you can embark on this life-altering journey. That’s why a twin flame friendship is also worthwhile.

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The Key Elements Of A Twin Flame

Being in a relationship with your twin flame means experiencing intense, ever-lasting love – one that not many get to live in their lifetime. In fact, often those who find it too may feel intimidated by it because the twin flame connection is too intense and quite unlike any other relationship they may have experienced.

It’s a relationship that’s built on completing each other in every sense of the word and extends beyond the traditional idea of soulmates. Here are the four key elements of a twin flame that define the relationship between such people.

1. Twin flames have a deep emotional connection

The strong twin flame emotional connection is often its defining attribute. The heart center, which is known as the seat of feelings, thoughts and knowledge, is completely in tune between twin flames. Studies have shown that physical proximity can cause mothers to synchronize their brainwaves to their child’s heartbeat, making them more attuned to a baby’s needs. Twin flames experience a similar connection with each other.

2. A mental connection is another element of a twin flame

Twin flames can become so aligned with each other’s bodies and minds that they end up feeling like they’re the only two people in the universe. This mental connection manifests in the form of a genuine interest in the other’s passions, goals and dreams.

Over time, they develop a mentally stimulating relationship. They become the source of one another’s confidence, courage, and strength that help them reach for their dreams. Having a twin flame love connection in your life truly sets you up to rise to your true potential and become the best version of yourself.

3. Twin souls are marked by a physical connection too

Since twin souls radiate energy and vibes at the same frequency, it is a given that they feel an instant and strong physical connection toward each other upon meeting for the very first time. However, this connection isn’t necessarily sexual. Even when twin souls engage with each other sexually, it’s an instinctual connection between two souls rather than two bodies.

It’s somewhat like a twin flame zodiac signs connection. This strong affinity isn’t always instinctive. “A strong pull may sometimes not be instantaneous but, nevertheless, very strong and deep,” says Kreena.

4. A spiritual connection is a defining element of a twin flame

When a person meets their twin flame, they feel a sacred, spiritual connection with them. It is this connection that becomes the basis of their unconditional love for each other. They can sense each other’s moods, emotions and state of mind from miles apart, once they have developed a twin flame connection in the true earnest.

“The twin flame emotional connection is deeply intertwined with the spiritual, leading the two people in it on a path of enlightenment,” says Kreena.

How Do I Recognize My Twin Flame?

real twin flame signs
You will feel real twin flame signs when you cross path with your wholesome half

Who wouldn’t want to have such a wholesome and fulfilling connection in their life! If you’ve been wondering, “How do I recognize my twin flame?”, look out for these real twin flame signs:

1. Intuitiveness about the other’s state of mind

One of the first and most telling signs that you’ve met your twin flame is intuitiveness about what’s going on in their mind. You know exactly what the other person is thinking about, feeling or experiencing at any given moment. They too can naturally detect these things about you. The most telling of the real twin flame signs is that you know the other person like you know yourself.

2. Twin flame similarities

Twin flame similarities are also a clear sign of this rare form of connection between two souls. Since you are both parts of a whole, you share the same values, preferences, interests and hobbies. From something as small as your taste in books and movies to bigger spiritual pursuits, you’ll find each other on the same page at every step of the way.

Even if your preferences, likes and dislikes don’t align 100%, your core beliefs, values and vision will be a mirror image of each other – almost as if they’re two parts of a whole.

3. Twin flame connection transcends physical proximity

Once you’ve found your twin flame connection, you don’t have to be close to them physically to feel connected. Your emotions and thoughts will be in perfect harmony even when you’re both in different places. “A twin flame can be lost in their journey but are never confused about their feelings for you,” explains Kreena.

This is among the most characteristic real twin flame signs. And when you’re together, this sense of being in complete sync with each other will manifest in saying the same thing at the same moment or completing each other’s sentences instinctively.

4. A strong physical pull

Whether you’re in a twin flame friendship or a romantic relationship, you will both feel a strong, undeniable physical pull toward each other. This will lead to a strong desire to be close to each other or make physical contact in some form or the other. Even the most non-sexual touches can be an intimate experience for twin flames.

If either of you is not ready to embrace them when you first cross paths with them, you and your twin flame will keep gravitating toward each other over and over again. “The journey of twin flames can be spread across years owing to circumstances. They can keep crossing paths again and again till both are ready to embrace each other,” says Kreena.

5. Sharing dreams, quite literally

No, we don’t mean your dreams about life. You and your twin soul will have the same dreams in your sleep. Sometimes these dreams can overlap in theme and become a means of communication between twin souls. You’ll also frequently feature in each other’s dreams.

6. You’ll understand your twin flame on a deeper level

When you share twin flame energy with another person, you understand them on a deeper level. This means comprehending hidden or complex parts of each other’s personalities with ease. And also, an uncanny ability to communicate without actually saying anything at all. This experience can be uncomfortable and unnerving at first. But once you embrace it, it can be validating and liberating.

twin flame test

7. Your twin flame will share your burdens

“Twin flames come in our lives to share our burdens and show us the qualities we may have but, not recognize but, are reflected in them. They fulfill a connection by bringing in what is lacking in our lives. And they can sometimes be stark opposite to who we are,” says Kreena.

8. They’re your safe place

Developing a twin flame soul connection means finding your safe place, your haven, your home in another person. With them, you not only feel safe but absolutely at ease with your true self. There is no need and no room for facades and pretenses in such relationships.

“A twin flame will tear your barriers apart but will always want to make you better. If it feels toxic or damaging, it is not a twin flame,” Kreena says, explaining the real twin flame signs and how to identify them in your connection with another person.

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Stages of Twin Flame Connection

Needless to say, finding a twin flame connection can be a life-altering experience. But what happens when you meet your twin flame? Being with your twin soul isn’t all rainbows and roses. Even these relationships go through their share of turmoil, in varying degrees.

“Twin flames can be angry and upset with each other but never be destructive. The love they feel for one another will always exist deep down,” explains Kreena. With that in mind, let’s explore the 7 stages of a twin flame connection will tell you what to expect in your quest for your twin soul:

Stage 1 – The Search

At this stage, you don’t know of the existence of your twin flame connection. It is also possible that you’re totally unaware that something like a twin soul exists. Yet, you are gripped by an acute sense of something missing from your life. This stage and the restlessness you feel within can be attributed to divine energy preparing you for your twin flame’s arrival into your life.

Stage 2 – The Awakening

The awakening happens when you meet your twin soul for the first time and are taken in by an instant connection you feel with them. The real twin flame signs become all too apparent in your connection with this person. Even a brief contact will make you realize that you share something extremely special with this other person. There are signs and coincidences that lead you to believe that this crossing of paths was destined to take place. That’s what happens when you meet your twin flame.

Step 3 – The Test

Since a twin flame connection is markedly different from any other relationship you have experienced so far, you will struggle to wrap your head around what just hit you. That’s the test stage of your connection with a twin soul. You go through the twin flame test. Once you have reveled in the high that comes from an exchange of twin flame energy and moved past the bliss of falling in love with this person, you will test your limitations and set boundaries for the relationship.

This is a crucial part of the process if you want your twin flame connection to transform into a long-term and meaningful relationship. Without it, this connection can become too overwhelming and all-consuming for both partners. If the twin flame connection is too intense, it can become hard to sustain.

on couple goals

Stage 4 – The Crisis

Despite its fulfilling and euphoric nature, a twin flame relationship isn’t without its share of crisis and stumbling blocks. For a lot of people, the deep connection that they feel with another person can become a source of worry. When the twin flame connection is too intense, it can become a trigger for anxiety, leaving you feeling overwhelmed. However, if you can navigate this hurdle, you can catalyze your instinctive bond into a more stable and deeper relationship.

Stage 5 – The Separation

Once you hit the crisis stage, you may experience twin flame separation. You could be the one running away and your twin soul chasing you, or vice versa. Or you could both be switching between the roles of the runner and the chaser. The stage is primarily about distancing oneself from a twin flame connection because of the intimidating nature of intimacy that you both share.

It can last until both the partners realize that their coming together is orchestrated by forces beyond their control. They miss their twin flame so much that the twin flame separation becomes the reason for getting back together.

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Stage 6 – The Surrender

The surrender stage is all about accepting and embracing this deep, often hard to understand, connection and letting it chart its course. It’s about giving up the need to control your life’s journey, your relationship, and freeing yourself from the emotional baggage of your past experiences.

Feeling lighter, calmer, in control and ready to embrace your other, wholesome half are some of the signs of the twin flame surrender stage. At this point, you have absolute clarity about the value of your twin flame and you’re done resisting their presence in your life.

Stage 7 – The Union

Even though you and your twin flame may have been together in the past, your union in the true sense happens after you have been through the grind of a near unparalleled emotional upheaval. The different stages of a twin flame connection that you went through to get to this point will help you understand yourself and each other a lot better. A sense of balance, calm, relief and purpose are infused into your togetherness.

You will know a twin flame connection when you see one. But if you want to experience it beforehand, refer to twin flame movies such as The Notebook, Notting Hill, Romeo + Juliet, The Fountain. The all-consuming, powerful love depicted in these fascinating tales of love sums up the twin flame connection as closely as is possible.


1. How do I recognize my twin flame?

One of the first and most telling signs that you’ve met your twin flame is intuitiveness about what’s going on in their mind. Then you will feel a connection at a deeper level, similarities that you would notice between you two, you would have shared dreams and your shortcomings would also be similar.

2. Why are twin flames so attracted to each other?

The awakening happens when you meet your twin soul for the first time and are taken in by an instant connection you feel with them. Even a brief contact will make you realize that you share something extremely special with this other person.

3. Can your twin flame reject you?

When you hit the crisis stage, you may experience twin flame separation. You could be the one running away and your twin soul chasing you, or vice-versa. The stage is primarily about distancing oneself from a twin flame connection because of the intimidating nature of intimacy that you both share.

4. How do you know if your twin flame loves you?

Once you go through all the stages of a twin flame connection including crisis and surrender, and you are still together, then you know your twin flame loves you dearly.

5. Are twin flames destined to be together?

A simple yet cohesive definition of a twin soul is having two bodies that share one soul. When such people come together it is known as a twin flame connection. Such a union is not a matter of chance or coincidence but is orchestrated by the divine forces. It’s a spiritual journey and it’s not necessary to be physically together.

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