Do I Have Abandonment Issues? Quiz

Quiz | | Expert Author , Psychologist
Updated On: May 3, 2024
Fear of Abandonment Issues
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Do you ever find yourself feeling anxious or panicked at the thought of someone close leaving you even though there have been no signs they will? If so, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with what’s known as fear of abandonment, a complex emotion that can impact relationships, self-esteem, and overall well-being.

This Fear of Abandonment Quiz or abandonment issues quiz created by a psychologist, is designed to help you understand if this is something you struggle with. By answering 10 simple questions, you’ll gain valuable insights into your anxiety levels, emotional patterns, and attachment style.

Abandonment issues are often caused by past experiences. Did you face loss, neglect, or inconsistent care during childhood? These early moments can affect how you bond with others, leaving you feeling vulnerable to being left behind. Your current relationships matter too. Are you in a relationship marked by uncertainty, poor communication, or past betrayals? These unstable connections can fuel fears of abandonment. Lastly, consider your personal beliefs. Do you hold negative beliefs about yourself or your worthiness of love? These beliefs can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, where you expect people to abandon you so you push them away before they can leave.

The first step to overcoming this anxiety is to first identify what you have. Remember, fear of abandonment is manageable. By gaining insight and seeking support, you can build healthy relationships, trust others, and ultimately find peace of mind.

Related Reading: Do I have trust issues? Quiz

Related Reading: Do I have attachment issues? Quiz


1. Do you feel like you like your partner more than they like you?

  • Ofen
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

2. Do you fear being alone?

  • Ofen
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

3. Do you struggle with enforcing healthy boundaries?

  • Ofen
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

4. Are you taken for granted by your partner, or your friends?

  • Ofen
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

5. Do you feel as though there is something very wrong with you?

  • Ofen
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

6. Have you lost someone very close to you before?

  • Ofen
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

7. Are you worried about being left by the people you love?

  • Ofen
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

8. Were you criticised as a child?

  • Ofen
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

9. Do you hide parts of your genuine self only to be accepted by others?

  • Ofen
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

10. Do you believe you are difficult to love?

  • Ofen
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely

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