Best Match For A Scorpio Woman: Top 5 Ranked

Signs which are most compatible with Scorpio

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Scorpio women are intense and passionate and managing a relationship with them takes a lot, making it difficult to find the best match for a Scorpio woman. They need a partner who could handle their intense energy and not tie them down. 

So who should a Scorpio marry or date? We talked to relationship coach and expert astrologer Avantika Tripathi to bring you the top 5 signs that are compatible with Scorpio women. Consider this a foolproof guide if you’re looking to become a Scorpio woman soulmate.

What Are The Characteristics Of Scorpio Women?

Table of Contents

There are some inherent zodiac sign characteristics of a Scorpio that you need to consider to gauge your compatibility with the sign. Scorpio women are magnetic, confident, and possess a strong sense of self, which makes them attractive partners for many zodiac signs. They are confident and independent but can come across as intimidating to those who are not familiar with their nature. 

Some common characteristics of Scorpio women are:

  • They prefer partners with strong beliefs who can be accepting of their opinions too 
  • Some preferred signs of Scorpio woman soulmates are being expressive with their emotions, compassionate, and respectful while also challenging them
  • A dark side of Scorpio women could be their jealousy and possessiveness, leading to friction in their relationships. However, when they find the right match, they are fiercely loyal and passionate partners

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Avantika says, “One of the unique Scorpio woman traits is that they are often passionate about what they are willing to do. Since Scorpio is ruled by Mars and is a fixed water sign, it fills her with the desire and motivation to pursue various things in life. A Scorpio woman is a go-getter and can be very open to new experiences. This combination makes her desirable and enterprising, and her experiences make her more aware, informed, and lively, thereby giving her the title of “Woman of Variety.”

Some common personalities of Scorpio woman include:

  • There is the passionate and romantic Scorpio, deeply in touch with her emotions and unafraid to show her love and affection
  • There is the confident and independent Scorpio, highly driven and ambitious
  • We have the mysterious and elusive Scorpio who is guarded but has a strong intuition and understanding of others 
  • Scorpio as a nurturing and caring zodiac sign is highly compassionate. This personality of Scorpio woman is empathetic and is always there for people in need
Scorpio Women Characteristics
Scorpio woman characteristics

But with so many facets, how to know which zodiac sign is the best match for a Scorpio woman? Let’s find out.

Which Sign Is The Best Match For A Scorpio Woman (Top 5 Ranked)

When it comes to Scorpio women, finding ‘the one’ could be a hit-or-miss. Their intense energy can be a lot to handle for some people. That is why we bring to you the top 5 zodiac signs that are the most eligible to become Scorpio woman soulmates. 

1. Scorpio woman and Pisces man

The best sign for Scorpio woman compatibility is Pisces. Both of them are water signs, leading to an emotional and intuitive nature. Scorpio woman and pisces man compatibility arises from their deep need for intimacy and a sense of security in their relationships. This is why they are capable of creating a strong emotional connection with each other.

Scorpio woman and Pisces man compatibility – what works and what doesn’t

Ranking at number one, these signs carry traits that balance each other, making them very compatible. But they may experience some ups and downs occasionally. Here’s how Avantika describes the relationship of a Scorpio woman and Pisces man:

  • Pisces, being the sign of planet Jupiter and known for its healing properties, offers a very balanced relationship to a Scorpio woman
  • Both of them being water signs, they are great at staying emotionally connected
  • A Pisces partner helps stabilize a Scorpio woman’s emotions and helps her channel them productively. 
  • Together, they can transform into their better versions, making Pisces one of the most compatible signs with a Scorpio woman
  • However, Scorpio women can get intense and might desire to control everything around them, while Pisces partners tend to be more sensitive and empathetic and may struggle to assert themselves. However, if both the signs work through these challenges, their relationship will be deeply satisfying and fulfilling
Scorpio woman and Pisces man
Scorpio woman and Pisces man

A Reddit user agrees with this, saying, “I’ve been with my Pisces for 6 years and we have an extremely healthy relationship. Took a lot of work to get where we are but he is absolutely amazing.”

Related Reading: 18 Things To Know When Dating A Scorpio Woman

2. Scorpio woman and Libra man

Second on the list of the best match for a Scorpio woman is Libra. Libras are known for their love for balance, beauty, peace, and harmony, and they always strive to create a sense of equilibrium in every aspect of their lives. Their sense of fairness and justice makes them a little different from Scorpio women, who tend to be intense, passionate, and prone to deep emotions. 

Scorpio woman and Libra man compatibility – what works and what doesn’t

Libra’s love for peace and equilibrium balances out scorpios’ tendency to sometimes get too intense and passionate for their own good. But the same qualities may cause conflicts if both refuse to meet at a middle ground.

Here’s how Avantika describes the Scorpio–Libra pair:

  • Scorpio women tend to look at things in a black-and-white manner. Dating a Libra can help her handle stress and accept the good and the bad in all kinds of situations
  • The compatibility between a Scorpio woman and a Libra partner lies in their ability to find a common ground and learn to appreciate each other’s strengths and weaknesses
  • A little conflict in their relationship can be observed when the Libra feels overwhelmed by the Scorpio’s intensity and depth, and the Scorpio finds their Libra partner detached and superficial. However, being ruled by Venus, Libras look toward fixing things and restoring balance 
Scorpio woman and Libra man
Scorpio woman and Libra man

A Reddit user describes her relationship with a Libra as the “first healthy romantic relationship I’ve ever had in my life.” Libras find it easier to keep their patience and emotions in check which makes the relationship intellectually stimulating and emotionally satisfying. 

3. Scorpio woman and Capricorn man

Next in line for Scorpio woman compatibility is Capricorn. Being an Earth sign, Capricorns are grounded and often bring a sense of stability to all their relationships. Coupled with the Scorpio women’s intense loyalty and passion, these two form a bond that could last a lifetime. Thus Capricorn is a good candidate when wondering, “Who should a Scorpio marry?”

Scorpio woman and Capricorn man compatibility – what works and what doesn’t

These signs meet each other’s energy, leading to good relationship compatibility. A Reddit user is of the opinion that Scorpios and Capricorns create a balanced relationship where both signs fill in the gap that the other leaves, making Capricorn one of the best zodiac sign matches for the Scorpio woman. The user says “I feel like the biggest way we show each other love and care is through helping”. 

Here’s what Avantika has to say about the Scorpio woman and Capricorn man compatibility:

  • The reason that Capricorns are one of the best matches for a Scorpio woman is that they can mesh with the Scorpio’s energy and ambitious nature
  • They can make a great pair if they put in the effort to understand each other, leading to a good life and a long-term relationship
  • They share extreme sexual compatibility
  • Scorpio women are wonderful at demonstrating their love intuitively whereas Capricorns like to take things slow and steady. While this may lead to good balance at times, it can also result in unfulfilled expectations, causing conflicts.
 Scorpio woman and Capricorn man
 Scorpio woman and Capricorn man

4. Scorpio woman and Cancer man

Another contender for the best match for a Scorpio woman is Cancer. Two of the most emotionally sensitive zodiac signs, Cancer man Scorpio woman form a powerful and passionate bond, each partner understanding the other’s need for emotional closeness. A Scorpio woman on Reddit says, “The greatest loves of my life came from Cancerians. I am an intense force so it is easy for me to set boundaries. If I start giving too much, I walk away and they come with loving/caring energy.”

Scorpio woman and Cancer man compatibility – what works and what doesn’t

Scorpio woman and Cancer man compatibility originates from their emotional sensitivity. This sensitivity makes it easier for these signs to understand each other. Avantika has some interesting insights on Cancer man Scorpio woman compatibility:

  • Cancerian partners easily match with a Scorpio woman when it comes to creating close bonds and familial relationships
  • Cancer is known for its nurturing qualities and, coming in the Fourth House of Comfort and Nurture in astrology, forms a greater emotional bond with Scorpio, which comes in the Eighth House of instability, sudden losses, and troubles
  • The Cancer sign offers comfort and affection. This lets Scorpio women overcome instability and troubles in the relationship
  • A Cancerian partner is welcoming of every quirk of a Scorpio woman, making her feel emotionally secure
  • One of the possible reasons for conflict between Cancer man Scorpio woman is their emotional intensity. As both of these signs get hurt easily, they have to be mindful of each other’s feelings.
Scorpio woman and Cancer man
Scorpio woman and Cancer man

5. Scorpio woman and Taurus man

The final sign, which makes for one of the best matches for a Scorpio woman, is Taurus. Both are fixed signs which makes the relationship between them steadfast and reliable. Scorpio woman Taurus man compatibility depends on their ability to make a great team as both share similar values and respect each other’s differences.

More on zodiac

Scorpio woman and Taurus man compatibility – what works and what doesn’t

Scorpio woman and Taurus man carry opposing traits. While Scorpio women are ambitious, sometimes unrealistically, Taurus men are more practical and grounded. These differences mostly lead to a balanced relationship but may result in clashes sometimes due to opposing opinions. Here are Avantika’s insights about a Scorpio woman Taurus man compatibility:

  • A Taurus partner enhances the natural abilities of the Scorpio woman
  • Dating a Taurus is often a good match for a Scorpio woman, as they leave space for her to be more experimenting, adventurous, and full of desires
  • Taurus finds ways to make her feel things that she is not used to, like making her feel at ease and more stable
  • Taurean partners can be great listeners and trustworthy 
  • There are times Scorpio woman and Taurus man clash due to their innate qualities like her mysteriousness and mood swings and his unfailing practicality. However, they have the ability to diffuse any negative situation, making the idea of ‘opposites attract’ work for them
Scorpio woman and Taurus man
Scorpio woman and Taurus man

A Reddit user agrees with this, saying, “Something that is truly beautiful is how differently my Taurus partner and I see the world, we truly are opposites. But as long as we are open and honest, it helps both of us see a whole other side of reality.”


1. Who should a Scorpion not marry?

For a Scorpio woman, the best match for marriage is one of the other water signs (Pisces and Cancer) or the Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo). Typically, Scorpios should steer clear of fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) due to the intense clash of contrasting ideologies.

2. Who is the perfect match for a Scorpio woman?

The perfect match for a Scorpio woman can only be determined by the amount of time and effort she puts into a relationship with someone, and vice-versa. However, depending on the personality of Scorpio woman, any of the above-mentioned five signs can prove to be a good match.

3. What sign is a soulmate for a Scorpio woman?

If the reserved Scorpio woman can open up completely to her partner, that’s quite an accomplishment. Keeping this in mind, other water signs like Pisces and Cancer are the best answers to who should a Scorpio marry or date, making them the best zodiac pairs for marriage or soulmates.

Key Pointers

  • Most signs are attracted to Scorpio women, primarily because of their mysteriousness and confident attitude
  • Usually, water and earth signs show great amount of Scorpio woman compatibility
  • When looking for the most compatible sign, make sure you take into account the personality of Scorpio woman
  • Most compatible signs with Scorpio include Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Pisces, and Capricorn
  • Who should a Scorpio marry? Water signs are the best matches

Final Thoughts

These are the top 5 zodiac signs that are the best match for a Scorpio woman. Of course, every relationship you create with anyone is a combination of love and effort. Still, a little help from the stars never hurts.

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