17 Subtle Signs Your Ex Still Loves You But Is Scared

Break up And Loss | | , Expert Blogger
Updated On: July 19, 2024
what are the signs that your ex is still in love with you
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Want to know the different signs your ex still loves you but is scared to confess their feelings? Maybe you still have love left for them and think they have that too. This is why you are looking for any signs that can indicate that they love you too but are afraid to say it out loud because of a number of reasons. Well, this article is all you need to resolve this matter thoroughly.

I think my ex still loves me but won’t admit it. Is this you? Do you harbor such feelings for them too or are you just confused by the way they’ve been interacting with you lately? Whatever the reason may be, these subtle signs will help you understand the possible motives behind their words and actions. Through these signs your ex still loves you but is scared, you will be better able to figure out the next course of action.

17 Subtle Signs Your Ex Still Loves You But Is Scared

Maybe they’ve been giving mixed signals and confusing you with a classic case of ‘signs your ex still loves you but is scared’ and maybe that has you confused too. Your past history makes you even more confused, which is why you’re wondering what are the signs that your ex is still in love with you to help better understand the situation. Only when you are better able to assess their feelings, alongside your feelings for them, can you decide what your next steps should be.

Related Reading: 10 Signs Your Ex Is Testing You | How To Respond?

Because it’s also very much possible that you’re misinterpreting their actions and acting hastily on it can cause further complications. Therefore the below-mentioned subtle signs your ex still loves you but is scared to tell their feelings to you will better guide you in deciding if they’re in love with you or not. If you observe signs ex is scared to get back together and you too have feelings for them, the best course of action is to be direct about it and resolve it through discussion.

1. They keep recalling your shared experiences

If they keep recalling all the good memories you experienced together, it can be one of the signs your ex still loves you but is scared to make a move. When someone frequently revisits particular memories, it’s a sign that they miss those times and the person they spent that time with. If they keep telling you about that date you two went on or that trip in the winters, there’s a good possibility that they might want something like that again.

If these are signs he wants you back but is scared, it’s better to simply ask and try to clear any misconceptions. It might be that you have moved on, and don’t want him to entertain any ideas of getting back together. In such cases, explaining your situation helps avoid future confusion and conflicts.

2. Signs your ex still loves you but is scared: they often contact you

You may be good friends with your ex after you two fell out, but if they contact you way too often, it might be one of the signs your ex still loves you but is scared to admit it. This is why they try to talk and remain in contact with you even after your breakup. One way to know if these interactions are just casual or are coming from a place of romantic love is to look at their nature. Maybe the ex just wants to be friends or maybe they want to check up on you.

Are these regular conversations in accordance with their nature in the past? Or are they suddenly messaging you whether you had lunch when they never did so in the past? Are they calling you out of nowhere to ask you about that movie you kept recommending that they didn’t watch? If such irregular conversations are occurring frequently, it might be one of the signs he wants you back but is scared to ask.

3. They contact your family now and then

Unless they were great friends with your family while you two dated, contacting your family after the breakup can be a sign they’re trying to give you subtle hints. There’s a good probability they’re not over you and therefore they’re trying to get through those close to you. Staying in touch with them can be a common thing to do especially if they’re an extrovert by nature. But if those conversations are too frequent, it might indicate they’re still not over you.

By keeping in touch with your family, they might want to remain updated about your whereabouts and hear news about you. Now if you had a harsh breakup and you don’t want anything to do with him, it’s better to confront him. If the dumper wants you back after all the pain and struggles you went through, he doesn’t deserve it anymore. And if he doesn’t back off, it’s better to inform your family about the entire equation with him.

4. Your common friends are trying to convince you

One of the more obvious answers to what are the signs that your ex is still in love with you is if your common friends keep telling you to get back with them. It can be a sign that he mentions you to your common friends often, in the hope they’ll try and do something about it. If you don’t want this to continue, it’s better to tell those friends to not try convincing because you have no intentions of getting back together with him.

But if you still have feelings for him and are worried that these are signs ex is scared to get back together, it would be better to just ask him about it. Maybe just drop in a text that your friends keep telling you to get together with them and check if they have anything to do with that. Avoidance won’t benefit anyone, so it’s best to be straightforward with them. This is more of a continuation of the last sign where they try to contact those who’s still in touch with you rather than engaging directly with you.

5. Signs your ex still loves you but is scared: they keep texting you

Maybe it just started with a random Hi message, but before you know it they’re asking about how your day went, what you ate, what you wore, etc. If this is something they do every day, it’s probably one of the signs she wants you back but is scared to tell you so directly. In such cases, it’s better to be a little distant and set your emotional boundaries if you’re not so excited about getting back with them. 

But if you do have feelings for her after all this time, it’s best to ask her in subtle terms if she still has feelings for you. A message like ‘I can’t help but wonder if you still care about me like before’ can work in understanding what her sentiments toward you might be. But if there’s nothing on her part, it’s best to not pursue it. Do remember all your history and the reasons why you decided to separate in the first place.

6. They want to keep your things safe

Are they overprotective about you or things that belong to you? It can be a sign of them not having moved on or still having feelings for you even after your separation. I think my ex still loves me but won’t admit it. Do you feel that way? Your feelings may be quite accurate if they go to extra lengths to keep your things safe and show heightened emotions toward anything that has to do with you. It;s one of the

As Mia observed a few months after her breakup, Dan would keep her purse with utmost care. She had forgotten it during one party night at his place but he’d kept it as though it was some national treasure. That got her very confused as she thought they were over each other. On further probing, it turned out that Dan still had feelings for her but was too scared to tell her.

Related Reading: How To Respond To An Ex Asking How You Are – Tips And Examples

7. They keep showing off their life after you

As they say, barking dogs seldom bite. And so is the case with those who keep trying to impress you. If they can’t stop boasting about how awesome their life is after you two have ended things, there’s a good probability that they are yet to move on. This attempt at showing off their ‘’better’’ life is nothing but them trying to win you over again.

You won’t be wrong in thinking that I think my ex still loves me but won’t admit it. Perhaps you’d like to think about the reasons why you two broke up and if you would like to get back with someone that insecure. All they want is your attention in these cases, and the kinder thing to do for both you and them would be not to give them that. Even though it might one of the sure-shot signs your ex still loves you but is scared, you shouldn’t let that fact rule over a rational solution to the issue.

8. They’re curious about your romantic life

Does your ex try to find out about your romantic life through indirect questions? Do they ask your friends about your current partner and whether you’re single? Do they try and make romantic plans with you under the pretense of meeting, like a dinner in a fancy restaurant? If yes, there’s a high probability he’s still not over his ex, that is you, and that the dumper wants you back.

Tina recalls how it was weird for her ex to start asking all these questions about her current partner. Is he good-looking? Does he treat you well? Does he care for you? He would keep dropping such questions that I just didn’t want to answer. “After a while, it became uncomfortable for me and I told him to respect my boundaries and back off a little,’’ she states.

9. They find unnecessary reasons to meet you

Does your ex ‘forget’ their purse or their handkerchief or their wallet when they visit your house? Do they try to follow up your meetings on the most whimsical of pretenses? It might be so because they are yet to get over their feelings for you. Of course, there’s always the chance of them trying to be friends with you, but there’s a difference between a friendly relationship and one that has expectations of more.

It is up to you to decide in the end whether you want to entertain these advances or not. Perhaps you too have residual feelings for him but make a decision only after thinking it through. You don’t want to act on impulses and trap yourself into something you later have to regret. Even if there are signs your ex still loves you but is scared, you shouldn’t make a choice in a hurry and let your hormones make the decisions for you.

Related Reading: 7 Unspoken Boundaries For Being Friends With An Ex

10. They often post about you on social media

Signs your ex is still not over you
They often post about you on their social media

One of the key things about moving on is how much you think about someone. Do you keep thinking about them all day? Then you’re clearly not over them. However, if you don’t spend your minutes and hours worrying or thinking about them all day, it’s a sign that you’re getting over or have already moved on with your life. Of course, to miss your ex occasionally is a natural thing that you can’t avoid.

All this is to say that if she still talks about you in indirect forms on her Instagram or Facebook profile, it can be one of the signs your ex-girlfriend still loves you but is scared to confess it to you. The best course of action is usually to go through it with her and try to help her move on if possible. This is presuming you don’t have feelings for her too which might otherwise complicate things.

11. They still do you favors

There’s only a certain extent to which people in your life would go to help you, even more so when it’s your ex. This could be one of the signs your ex still loves you but is scared. Therefore, if they’re overtly willing to do things for you, it might be so because they still love you. If they’re generally a kind and helpful person, and you would know since you two were close to each other, it might mean that they just want to remain friends with you. 

But if their nature is inconsistent with their nature in the past, it’s probably because they’re desperate to get back in your good books. This can be one of the signs your ex-girlfriend still loves you but is scared to tell that. It’s now for you to think if you would like to act on this or not and whether you have any intentions of ever getting back with them. Maybe you tried to forget your ex-girlfriend completely but these actions are making your resolution weaker. In such a case, it’s best to convey your thoughts and decisions to her and clarify your intentions.

12. They often drunk text or call you

Does my ex still love me? Quiz

This is something that a lot of men in particular struggle with. One of the signs your ex still loves you but is scared to open up is if he drunk calls you out of nowhere or sends you emotional messages on some random day. Alcohol opens up several feelings we otherwise keep bottled up and so him texting you out of the blue can mean that he’s struggling to hide his feelings for you.

This is one of the more common and natural signs he wants you back but is scared to make a move on his part. You have to decide whether you are willing to give him another chance or want to move on with your life. If it’s the latter that you wish, it’s better to clarify that to him and ask him to not disturb you. And if this pattern repeats itself, it’s better to simply block him from your contacts.

13. They try to reach out to you but then withdraw

Does it happen that your ex contacts you but withdraws from your life for some reason? There can be several reasons behind that but it’s probably one of the signs she wants you back but is scared. It might be that you came off as too eager or she may be just testing the waters. 

There can be various reasons behind why she broke up with you in the first place, and there’s a chance that she still thinks of you despite that. Her coming back like this might mean that she wants to see if you’ve changed or if you still remain the same person that she left back then? If you still love her too, you can try to show her how you’ve worked toward yourself and how you’ve grown as a person after she left you. This can lead to bridging the gap between you two and something might just happen.

14. You can spot little things that tell you they still have feelings

Sometimes the person tries to pretend that they’re over their ex when they’re anything but. And sometimes you know in your gut that your ex still harbors feelings for you and maybe wants to get back with you too. But it’s crucial to understand that it might be an extension of your own feelings as well. 

So, the best course of action is to not take action in the first place and allow them to make the first move. Maybe it’s one of the signs she wants you back but is scared of going through everything you two have gone through after a breakup. If you have feelings for her too, you should stay calm and focused and try to work on those aspects of your life that created rifts in your relationship in the first place.

15. They casually flirt with you

Do you notice your ex casually flirting with you now and then? It may be via text messages or at some party or in your office if you two share one. If yes, then there’s a good probability that this is one of the signs she wants you back but is scared to say that out loud. If you want to get back with her as well, it’s best to have a meaningful conversation to sort out your mutual feelings.

But if you aren’t interested in getting back with her and still observe these signs your ex still loves you but is scared to say so, you can either clarify and ask her to not make any advances. Or alternatively, if you don’t mind the attention that comes your way in the way of flirting, you can always just let it be.

Related Reading: 9 Probable Reasons You Still Think About Your Ex

16. You often cross paths with them

Do you keep bumping into your ex no matter where you go? Have they joined your gym recently or rented an apartment near your place? This can be one of the crucial signs he wants you back but is scared to say it. If you don’t want to get back in a relationship with him, it’s better to clarify that and ask him to not follow you everywhere. 

But if you want to get back with them too, you should think it through and only then make a decision.

17. They tell you they want to get back with you

Sometimes the most obvious sign is them telling you directly that they still have feelings for you. They might try to drop it subtly through jokes or compliments or say it out of nowhere. It’s important for you to not go with the flow; think before you commit to anything. It’s also possible that you’re confused with all the signs that have been coming your way and want to know if you’re reading them correctly or if it’s just misinterpretations on your part.

In that case, the right course of action would be to meet them and discuss whether they want to get back to you. Explain your position in the situation and why you’re skeptical or confused about it. It’s possible that all the signs your ex still loves you but is scared were no signs in the first place but an honest mistake in reading them on your part.

These are some of the primary subtle signs your ex still loves you but is scared to explain their feelings to you. You might feel that I think my ex still loves me but won’t admit it, and it is a natural thing to feel, but do you want to go through all of that again? Would it be worth it? No matter how much you may want to get back with them too, always remember to think of all the factors before acting on them. 

Are you unhappier after leaving them or better off both mentally and in your career? Do you really miss them and want them back or is it just the rush of adrenaline? It’s necessary to carefully observe all the signs your ex still loves you but is scared to make a move and think.

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