40 Things To Talk About With Your Crush

Dating experience | | , Expert Blogger
Updated On: August 13, 2024
things to talk about with your crush
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Have you been chatting up an interesting guy on Tinder? Or have you been catching feelings for a new person who lives across your street? Whatever the situation may be, if you’re here, we assume you’re looking for things to talk about with your crush. No matter how confident one may be around their friends or family, the moment your crush walks into the room, your knees turn to jelly and somehow you’re flabbergasted, confused, and full of longing all at the same time. 

For me personally, I’m at my worst self when my crush is around. Even saying “Erm, hey” without seeming like a complete weirdo seems to take all the energy out of me. And to make things worse, I somehow always end up commenting on the weather despite knowing that it’s a redundant topic that barely works when you want to charm someone.

If you’ve found yourself in a similar ball game before, high five to you. Talking to a new crush is just not that simple! Unless you’re Regina George from Mean Girls and it takes only a hair flip to make anybody fall for you. So, if you’re like me and tend to freeze around those you like, you will want to read ahead. 

Questions To Ask Your Crush 

Table of Contents

If you see your crush every single day, well may the lord bless you. I’d probably get jitters each time and say something completely random. But with this list of things to talk about with your crush, you might just be able to conduct yourself a little better and might even end up making them fall for you, who knows? 

From first date nerves to charming the person you’ve been pining for since sixth grade to making a move on a hottie on a dating app – making conversation with your crush is not going to be that nerve-wrecking anymore. Trust us because we’ve got your back. Here are 20 topics to help you out. 

1. Did you watch the game last night?

But do your homework before you ask this question because you don’t want to start discussing sports with somebody who couldn’t care less about it. If, however, they are interested in sports, then this is a great place to start. 

To find interesting things to talk about with your crush, all you really have to do is figure out what their personal interests are. So brush up on your soccer slang before you mention last night’s game to them. 

2. Which is the one band/artist you’ve always wanted to watch live?

Rephrasing the mere “What kind of music do you like?” question, this is definitely one of the better things to talk about with your crush. We all listen to music and what’s even better is that we all like discovering new genres and new bands. 

Talking about music or your favorite artists is not going to get boring, you can count on that. You might even get brownie points if your tastes in music are similar. 

Related Reading: 11 Signs Your Crush On Friend Is More Than It

3. What was your worst date ever?

Now we’re really diving into the good stuff. Who said the things to talk about with your crush have to be too proper or formal? To really get close to them, you need to establish a good sense of comfort between the two of you. Yes, you’re allowed to fool around a little bit. 

Everyone’s had a bad first date so I’m sure they’ll definitely have something really amusing to tell you. This way, you can also gauge their pet peeves and know what not to do around them. How genius of you! 

4. Do you like to cook?

Ask them if they like to cook or whether they can cook anything at all. If cooking is not something that they do often, you can tell them what kind of things you enjoy making. Take it one step further and use it as an excuse for some healthy flirting. “I make a killer lasagna. Come on over one night and try some!” is one helluva smooth line! 

5. Ask them quirky and funny questions 

And we mean some really outlandish things. For example, ask them something like “What is the first thing you would do if you were the opposite sex for a day?” or maybe “What kind of a suburban mom would you be?”

If they have a dry sense of humor, they are going to enjoy your questions very much. But be prepared, they might ask you something funny too! 

6. Do you have any weird talents?

Yes, making goat noises does count as a weird talent, no matter how badly it weirds you out. If they’re thick-skinned and don’t take things too seriously, this will be right up their alley. A little banter and laughter can be a sweet way to break any ice between the two of you. 

And if you have any weird talents of your own, now is as good a time as ever to show them off. One of the more interesting things to talk about with your crush, they’re going to like you a lot after this one. 

Related Reading: Weird Things Couples Do With Each Other Once They Are Settled In Love

7. What would you do if you won the lottery?

If you want a beginner level entry into how to start a conversation with your crush, always pick a lottery question. Talking about money can really open people up. On the outset this feels like a simple question, but it can be super interesting to know what one would buy with their money . Cherry on top, it is an insightful portal into your crush’s financial priorities.

8. Who is your role model?

A worthy conversation starter. If you want to ace the game of things to talk about with your crush, pocket this one immediately. Our role models are deep reflections of what we admire the most in people and what we want to see ourselves as.

If you want to get your crush to really talk about themselves, you probably won’t go wrong with this one. We highly recommend asking them this question in person because it might make them feel a closer connection to you that way.

Does My Crush Like Me

9. What’s your sun sign?

People who are into sun signs love talking about it in great detail. If your crush is into it, you both are going to have a great time taking the conversation forward by discussing zodiac sign traits and personalities, or coming up with the most attractive zodiac sign or the most successful one.

10. Do you like dogs or cats?

Ah! The age-old conundrum! Ask your crush if they prefer dogs or cats. Do not forget to ask why. You both might find yourself on the same side of the debate, or you would be at each others’ throats, in the most flirty bickering way. Dog person vs. cat person! Either way, this would inevitably tell you a lot about each other’s personality types.

Related Reading: Can You Fall In Love With Someone Online Without Meeting Them?

Topics To Talk About With Your Crush Over Text

If things are going great for you, there is going to be a lot of chit-chat over the phone. And in the humongous realm of what to talk about with your crush over text, we bring you 10 topics. These are either the easiest topics to chat about or SO embarrassing/flirty that you and your crush would rather text each other. Here is a list of things to talk about with your crush over the phone:

11. Discuss traveling 

Talking about traveling or even mentioning other beautiful destinations can start a scintillating conversation between the two of you. You might just get some insight into your crush’s wishes and hopes. You can start off with, “I’m planning to go to the hills up north next month. Have you ever been there?” Or take a different route and relay some kind of a quirky travel story of your own. 

If you say something like “Oh jeez, that one time my sister got lost in the Grand Canyon…”, you will definitely raise their interest and it might even lead to some interesting stories from their side! 

good things to talk about with your crush
Ask them about their travel plans and stories

12. Give them advice 

From suggesting new types of coffee to recommending fitness videos on YouTube, make yourself invaluable in the conversation and not just a standby. As you pick through the many things to talk about with your crush, remember that the conversation can always move in a way that allows you to throw in some advice or recommendations about the topic on hand. But don’t be a know-it-all.

If they talk about how much they love the show Bojack Horseman, mention how they might enjoy Rick and Morty too! This way, you’re building a friendship and a camaraderie which will make them want to talk to you even more. 

13. Mention your own interests too

Though there are endless cute questions to ask your crush, we’d like to add to that ‘how to talk to your crush’ tip. Bring yourself up in the conversations! To have a solid conversation with them, your own stories are just as valuable. 

To truly see you and take a liking toward you, they need to get to know you just as well. That’s why, in every exchange, pepper it with your own take or consider mentioning something else that’s relevant to the same topic. 

Related Reading: Relationship Advice For Couples- 25 Ways To Strengthen Your Bond

14. Talk about sex 

What to talk about with your crush over text? Well, clearly this one! Seems premature, we know, but in the right place and at the right stage – it won’t be weird at all. If your conversation is going well and going far, then this can be one of the things to talk about with your crush. Once a comfort has been established, consider asking them something naughty. 

You can discuss your own sexual preferences, speculate the uneasiness in some sex positions, or even get them to mention their turn-offs. If it goes well, this conversation could lead to a flurry of flirty and dirty text messages between the two of you.  

15. Ask them for a restaurant recommendation 

If they’re passionate about what they like to eat, they are going to take this question seriously. “I’m craving a good burrito today. What’s the best Mexican place in the city?” Pop the question smoothly when flirting over text and keep your fingers crossed they don’t say Taco Bell. 

This way, you’ll know what kind of foods they like and which places they frequent. Moreover, if you’re confident enough, a subtle “It’s decided then. I’m going to Taqueiria Maria’s on Main Street tonight. Care to join me?” doesn’t hurt. 

16. Talk about animals 

If they have pets, you might find yourself talking for a long time. This is definitely one of the more important conversations to have with your crush; you must find out what kind of animals they like or find interesting. 

Whether you’re discussing crazy facts about turtles or are on the verge of tearing up at the cuteness of puppies – this is one of the good things to talk about with your crush which will not disappoint. 

topics to talk about with your crush
Show and introduce them to things you care about

17. Make them open up by talking about their proudest moments 

If you’re serious about how to talk to your crush, you have to know this: questions that only scratch the surface will not suffice. You have to dig deeper and eventually get real with them. So if you’re talking over the phone or texting late at night, that would be the perfect setting to bring up things like these. 

Make them open up about themselves by asking them about the times they felt proud of their achievements or did something that they consider worthwhile. Conversations along these lines can really give you a peek into a person’s soul and create a soul connection.

18. Ask them the most embarrassing thing they have ever done

You could count this one as the fun things to talk about with your crush face to face. But if they are actually embarrassed about it, this might work as one of the things to talk about with your crush on the phone instead. Texting is great too. Not being able to see each other, yet being able to sense the shyness, the giggles, or the cackles over the phone can make this conversation intimate and fun.

19. Talk about the weirdest thing to have happened to you

Are you still short of things to talk about with your crush on the phone? Discuss the weirdest stuff in the privacy of your spaces. Have you even been mistaken for someone else, and you just went along with it? Have you ever found some cash on the sidewalk? Have you received a wrong food delivery at home, several times? You catch the drift.

20. Ask them if they are alone

Yes, you read it right. This is one of the hottest text messages for someone to receive on their phone. This would of course be followed by a “Why?” You don’t need to have a response ready. You could say you asked for no reason and see where the conversation takes off from there. Such open-ended questions can be one of the most flirtatious things to talk about with your crush on the phone.

Related Reading: Sexual Compatibility – Meaning, Importance And Signs

Fun Things To Talk About With Your Crush

We got you on every front! No serious exchanges, no drama, definitely no tears, or any overthinking. You just need fun topics to talk about with them, right? Well, here is a list:

21. Play a ‘would you rather’ game 

Not only will playing this game make you seem fun, but this can also help you to get to know your crush really well. After you initiate small talk, suggest a few rounds of Would You Rather. If you want, you can move on to other question games too and perhaps also try your hand at some get to know me questions.

Since the game is so simple and takes zero effort really, they will not be in a position to say ‘no’. Think of some out-of-the-box questions to let them see how creative you are. You might end up sharing a lot of laughs after this one! 

22. Talk about university or high school life 

Anyone who says they do not have any fun stories from their university days or from high school is probably lying to you. We either lived our best or the strangest days when we were younger and there is no denying that you will always remember it like it was yesterday, whether that’s good or bad. 

From the obnoxious teachers to the unique peers you’ll always remember to dorm fests and dating in college – a lot can happen over coffee while discussing your days from when you were younger. Bring up some silly anecdotes of your own to make them laugh too! 

23. Discuss things that you dislike! 

Yup, you read that right. Having common interests brings people together, yes, but when two people find common things that irk or disgust them, those bring them even closer. Hating influencer culture or even mint mayonnaise for that matter – add this to your list of conversations to have with your crush.

“My local coffee shop got my order wrong yesterday and gave me soy milk in my coffee. I can’t even stand the smell of it. What about you – do you like soy?” can be a good place to start. 

conversation with crush
Such conversations with a crush can bring you two closer

24. Chat about celebrities 

From fashion to sports to movies – discussing celebrities is one of the most common topics to talk about with your crush and it’s also a great way to get the conversation flowing. Find out their take on the Kardashians. Ask them about who they’d pick to play Batman.

Whichever celebrity you pick, there will definitely be something to talk about. You don’t have to like all the same celebrities or have the same opinions. Just have a fun time throwing your knowledge and opinions back and forth! 

Related Reading: 10 Famous Celebrity Same Sex (Gay) Couples

25. Ask them about their favorite dessert

Much like the dog and cat debate, a hot dessert vs. cold dessert debate can initiate endless flirtatious or even funny banter between the two of you. Plus you two get to flaunt your knowledge of exotic desserts and cuisines. Could it get any sweeter than that?

26. Ask them to tell you their favorite joke

Jokes are the funniest yet the sweetest topics to discuss with crush! Couples find humor to be one of the most attractive qualities in each other. And what better way to probe it out of your crush than to ask them to share their favorite joke. And then maybe some more. You can dig deeper and have a special edition conversation on just childhood jokes or knock-knock jokes. You would become acquainted with each other’s sense of humor.

27. Notice something about them and ask about it

How to start a conversation with your crush 101. Do they have a scar on their forehead? Or a unique piece of jewelry? Do you like their hairstyle? Great conversation topics are right in front of your eyes! Ask them the story behind that scar, or if the bracelet was a gift from someone.

28. Discuss conspiracy theories

Who killed JFK? Did we actually land on the moon? Is Illuminati real? These can be incredibly fun conversation topics to talk with crush. Add to that, it is a pretty neat way to weed out the flat-earthers from your dating list. If your crush is into it, they might share stories and political background to these theories.

29. Discuss your favorite series

There are a plethora of good series doing the rounds these days, both on TV and on OTT platforms. Chances are pretty high you both have a favorite show or at least a list of them. This could lead to making fun date plans to watch an upcoming season finale together or giving each other great recommendations on a genre you enjoy.

30. Discuss hilarious internet trends

We all have that list of internet trends we just can’t get behind or ones we particularly enjoy. Has a great song now become nothing more than an ear worm? Do you have an opinion on reels and shorts? What are your favorite memes? Tell yours and ask them theirs. Maybe you will find hidden nerdy commonalities or strange sense of humor. Either way, internet trends are great topics to talk with crush.

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Interesting Things To Talk About With Your Crush

We promised we have you covered and we will see it through. Here is a list of slightly deeper topics that will initiate meaningful and far more interesting conversations. Maybe longer too, so your crush will stay back a little longer.

31. Ask about their friends 

To not let the conversation with your crush get monotonous or boring, throwing something like this into the mix will really keep things light and interesting. Who are their friends and what do they normally do together? Do they have a close circle of three or a study group on Tuesdays and a different party group on Fridays? Do they have a sports group?

Of course, everyone will have their unique characteristics, but who we hang out with can tell other people a lot about who we are. So if you’re serious about wanting to date them, this question is for you. 

32. Ask about their family

Even though your crush might not open up completely at first but once they do, you will get to know what kind of a background they come from which can say a lot about a person. Your crush will appreciate your interest in their private emotional self as one’s relation with their family is an intimate zone. But be sensitive to their boundaries. Do not prod if you feel they are not comfortable talking about it.

33. Talk about relationships and your ideal life partner 

Since you are indeed hoping to impress your crush and see if something is brewing between the two of you, some of the topics to talk about with your crush could be about love and dating. This way, you’ll know their perspective on the same and get a lay of the land to understand whether the two of you are even possible as a couple or not. 

Ask them something like “What are the three most important things in a relationship?” Or find out what they see in an ideal life partner. Do make sure that they don’t feel like they are being evaluated by this and that it comes across as a friendly conversation. You don’t want to put such pressure on them so soon. 

34. Talk about nightmares

Nightmares can make for one of the most interesting conversation topics to talk about with your crush while also being a glimpse into their soul. Nightmare conversations can lead to conversations around weird dreams, literally as well as metaphorically. Who knows, your crush may indulge you even further and talk about their literal nightmares – one’s guilt, burdens, and fears.

Related Reading: 10 Things She Starts Doing When She Has A Crush On Someone

35. Talk about their favorite author

If your crush is a book nerd, you can sit back and relax as there is no end to this conversation topic. A person who has a favorite author can tell you in great detail what attracts them to their works. Add to that the irresistible charm of a person speaking passionately about one of their favorite things, there is no going wrong with a discussion on books and authors. You might find out you are a sapiosexual if you feel intensely attracted to your crush through this conversation.

36. Ask them about their bucket list

Bucket list. Or things to do before you die. Call them what you may, these seemingly lighthearted and fun topics to discuss with crush can take you two as deep as you would like to go. If things go well, the conversation usually shifts from ‘me’ to ‘we’. You can easily expect a “Let us do this together” or “When we grow old, we can check that one off!” making your conversation take a flirty or a romantic turn all of a sudden.

37. Ask a few existential questions

But be warned, existential questions can take you into an intimate intellectual space of a person. Their thoughts may either put you off or suck you into their crazy brain. “What is life?” “What does it take to be happy?” “Do you think the world is fair?” “Is there such a thing as luck?” There is no looking back from these questions if you are looking to get into a serious relationship with this person.

Related Reading: 100 Deep Conversation Topics Or Couples: Questions About Love And Life

38. Talk about your ideas of success

“What does success mean to you?” The answers to this are as many as there are people who answer this question. This can be one of those topics to discuss with crush that can lead to not only an interesting conversation but can tell you a lot about the person’s priorities in life. If you were to carry this relationship forward, this knowledge would be extremely helpful in making that choice.

39. Ask them, “What would it be like to be a person of the opposite gender?”

What an interesting ‘what if’ prompt; this conversation can last all evening. This question can unravel with precision a person’s idea of gender and how liberal or conservative they are with their ideas. It can also reveal in great detail the opinion they hold of the opposite gender, as well as their own insecurities.

40. Ask them about their idea of relaxation

How do you like to relax? Do you like to stay in or step out and meet people? What do you do to relax, exercise, meditate, journal? What is your idea of self-care and well-being? Not only will you both have a lot to share on this easy topic of discussion, you never know, you might learn of new ways of self-care that you can include in your own routine.

So if you’re trying to steer clear of a nervous breakdown in front of your crush and want to avoid asking them something like “Do you like sheep?”, we hope this list helps you. Be confident, be yourself, and talk to them as you would normally talk to anyone. 

Remember that it’s a crush and not the end of the world. But if you’re really losing sleep over them, then stick to these things to talk about with your crush and you will be sorted. 


1. How can I talk romantically with my crush?

Subtle flirting is a great place to start. You do not want to go all out and mention something sexual but you can start with compliments here and there or talk about how happy they make you. If they return your advances, then you can consider saying more romantic lines or texts to them. 

2. What should I say to my crush over text?

There are many ways to not be a dry texter and keep a conversation going over text with your crush. Keep sending them memes, rope them in with fun questions, or simply ask about their day. 

3. How can I impress my crush?

Showing interest in them and that you’re a good listener is honestly the best way to impress your crush. Make them feel important and that you’re willing to get to know them well. Moreover, have an open mind in your discussions and value their opinions.

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