Greek mythology tells a tale of the birth of the ‘twin flame’, and here’s how that story goes… Humans were powerful when they were first formed – born with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. However, Greek God Zeus felt intimidated by their power and split them into two, leaving humans to spend an eternity seeking their twin flame reunion with the other half of their broken soul.
Have you ever had any personal experience of feeling an intense connection with someone that you have never felt before? Or an overwhelming yearning and longing for someone you don’t even know properly. If it’s a feeling you can’t quite understand, count it as one of the signs a twin flame reunion is near. Twin flames are believed to be the other half of your broken soul. And that is why you feel an instant connection with them.
Going through the different twin flame journey stages is a powerful, emotional, and spiritual experience. Such relationships are both challenging and nurturing because of the way your twin flame mirrors you. They are a reflection of your inner self, and meeting them consolidates your energy and intensifies your weaknesses. This is why they are also called your ‘mirror soul’.
What Is A Twin Flame Relationship?
Table of Contents
Finding your twin flame feels no less than a spiritual awakening. A twin flame relationship is more than just butterflies in one’s stomach or the constant urge to see a notification from them flash on your phone. It’s far more than just looking into their eyes and laughing endlessly at a coffee shop. This type of soul bonding is something you have never felt and will never feel again in your life.
They may not be your counterpart in terms of personality and habits. You may enjoy different movies and have entirely different professions and upbringings. Remember, your twin flame is not your twin. But they belong to the same spiritual plane as you. So, despite all the differences, seeing them will bring you the inner peace you have been searching for and help you get in touch with your inner self. After your twin flame separation ends, you will finally get a sense of feeling complete.
There are some common twin flame union signs that can tell you if you’re about to meet yours, but this meeting is likely to be different for everyone. An intuitive experience and an inner calling may draw you to this person. It’s not simply their looks or personality that you are attracted to. It’s their very active presence that ropes you in, in a way that you can never leave.
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What Is A Twin Flame Reunion?
We emphasize the idea of a reunion because you and your twin flame were once one, a complete whole. In other words, you were a single entity before you were divided into two and were doomed to live separate lives yearning for each other. This is why the meeting of twin flames is called a reunion. You see when you find that your energy perfectly aligns with them, you are whole again.
There is a divine timing set for twin flame unions. It is possible that you have crossed paths with your twin flame in the past without realizing it. But you probably didn’t meet them in the right circumstances or at the right time, which is why you couldn’t unite with them. In this case, too, meeting them again after feeling a deep soul connection with them is termed as a reunion with your twin flame.
There are usually 8 twin flame reunion stages that are needed to complete the cycle. Let’s dig a little deeper into that, shall we? Here we go:
- Yearning for ‘the one’: You have a deep realization that a part of you is missing. You miss them and seek them
- Meeting or catching a glimpse: You meet them and you feel you have found ‘the one’. Maybe in real life, or even in your vivid dreams or visions. You get a chance to know who your twin flame is. And you are ecstatic
- Falling in love: You fall in love with them. Because they are a reflection of you, falling in love with them is not only easy but feels natural. You start to feel like one soul together. This seems to be the most spontaneous of all the twin flame journey stages
- The relationship: You both get to know each other and eventually end up in a twin flame relationship. This is inevitable, and the relationship is perfect because you both are meant to be. You are overjoyed
- The challenge: Your twin flame is just like you, which means that you both not only share the same strengths but also have the same shadow self. They force you to face your weaknesses. A twin flame bond is not all about bliss and comfort. You feel confused and upset too
- The chase: The intense pull of the relationship is heightened and becomes difficult to handle. One of you runs away and the other chases. This running can take any form – addiction, stonewalling, or breaking up. You are desperate
- The surrender: You are tired of running. You can’t stop yearning for them again. But you come to terms with the challenge. You feel you have grown and learned from the challenges. This period can take the longest, years for some. You feel at peace at last
- The ultimate reunion: This spiritual awakening is what you have been waiting for. Your twin flame journey stages come to a wrap when you and your twin flame are on the same vibrational level. It feels like coming home. This long-term relationship is like a dream. You feel joyful
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What Are The Angel Numbers For Twin Flame Reunion?
According to numerology, each number has a vibrational frequency or energy. Sequences of numbers serve as signs from your higher self, your angels, the spirits of your ancestors, whatever you may call it. These angels try to nudge you into the direction of your dreams, and might even help you stumble upon your twin flame connection.
Angel numbers are essentially a sequence of numbers that hold in them a certain code from your angels. Do you often chance upon a set of repeating numbers? A 11:11 that you tend to notice the most on your digital clock? A 1212 birthdate? Well, if a sequence of numbers often catches your attention, your guiding angels might be cheering you up or sending you the signs your twin flame is coming back. Let’s find out what the following twin flame reunion numbers truly mean:
- Twin flame angel number 1111: Twin flame 1111 represents the duality of the twin flames and shows their cosmic connection and alignment in harmony. This could mean that your twin flame’s soul might be on its way to find you
- Twin flame angel number 1212: The 1212 angel number indicates that the two souls are about to cross paths with one another so that they can finally forge the same life path together
- Twin flame angel number 1211: Twin flame number 1211 suggests growth on a personal and spiritual level, and it’s also one of the twin soul signs from the Universe to stay steady on your journey until you finally reunite with your twin soul
- Twin flame angel number 1234: The strongest of all the twin flame numbers, 1234, comes with a ray of hope. Seeing this angel number means the foundation of the relationship with your twin flame is strong and that you two are very close. You just need to trust the process and wait for the spiritual awakening until you finally reach that place
- Twin flame angel number 212: The 212 angel number suggests you should strike a balance between your twin soul reunion and your growth as an individual. It’s a wakeup call from your guardian angels to pay attention to your own potential and figure out your purpose in life
- Twin flame angel number 2020: The twin flame number 2020 is an indicator of harmony, balance, and positive energy during the period of separation. Don’t lose patience at this point, as this is among the signs a twin flame reunion is near you
- Twin flame angel number 2332: The 2332 angel number and a twin flame reunion are closely associated. It brings a message from the Universe that a meaningful love life is coming your way and that you are moving in the right direction to achieve your end goal
- Twin flame angel number 33: Another important sequence is the 33 angel number for a twin flame relationship. A combination of the divine and ever-powerful number 3, it tries to reinforce the harmony and alignment of spiritual energy you have with your twin flame
- Twin flame angel number 444: The twin flame number 444 reminds you that your angels are protecting you in this period of hardship. It also signifies that the angels are guarding you against the confusing feelings that you are facing in the journey toward reuniting with your twin flame so you can act as one soul
- Twin flame angel number 555: The 555 angel number relates to the progress you have made in your journey. It urges you to come out of the set patterns and embrace change to meet your twin soul
- Twin flame angel number 66: This angel number is one of the strong twin flame reunion signs that suggest your twin flame is very close and that they are also trying to reach out to you
- Twin flame angel number 656: The 656 twin flame number suggests you have faith in the power of your connection. It’s also a symbol of unconditional love and a meaningful bond between two twin flames
All these twin flame reunion numbers hold similar as well as different meanings, depending on the challenges you are facing in anticipation of the reunion. Whether it is a sign of intense attraction or something else, what it means for you will be a unique interpretation meant solely for your unique situation.
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15 Signs Of Twin Flame Reunion
You feel the inevitable twin flame connection when you first meet this person. You have a sudden urge to know them. You might even get into a relationship with them. And the relationship may feel like nothing you have ever felt before. But you must go through a period of turmoil first, always followed by the days of twin flame separation, be it physical or emotional. This absolute and complete experience can bring you many joys but also some sorrows.
This period of turmoil and separation spiritually prepares you two to become your best selves to be able to connect with each other again. The spiritual awakening helps you cleanse your inner self and escalates your personal growth. You both gradually become ready in the eyes of the divinity to be together again. This time around, the Universe or God leads you to your spouse or that special someone.
The moments just before you reunite with your twin self can be starred and dotted with signs from the Universe that your time of reuniting with them is coming closer. Some of the signs of twin flame reunion after separation are as follows:
1. You know it in your gut
You know it in your gut and your entire being that they are your person. By this time in your journey, your intuitive sense is well-developed. Moreover, you have become energetically aligned with your twin flame, as you two are on a similar spiritual plane.
So when the divine timing nears, you know it instinctively. You can feel it. This feeling that your twin flame is just around the corner may seem like one of the vague twin flame reunion signs. But it will also feel like such an intense emotional connection that you wouldn’t doubt it.
2. You often have twin flame dreams
When you repeatedly dream about your crush, and do so in an intense manner, it may mean that you are nearing the reunion. Dreams and visions are a glimpse into our subconscious. And the realm of our subconscious mind is infinite. Reading dreams or interpreting their symbols and meanings is an important part of all cultures.
Dreams are outlets of our deepest thoughts and emotions we either aren’t aware of or are likely to unconsciously push away. Your dream could be an outlet for your intuition if you otherwise find it hard to follow your gut feeling. This is why dreaming about your twin soul reunion could be a huge sign that you are closer to them.
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3. You can’t stop thinking about them
When you feel attracted to your twin flame, your thoughts always shift toward them, no matter what you are working on. It happens every time. You don’t need to have heard from them, or hear about them from someone. It might have been a long time since you saw them. You might have a lot on your plate. Still, your attention always shifts back to them. This is one of the clear twin soul signs that you should take note of.
Since you are energetically linked to your twin flame, the reunion is always preceded by your mind being taken over by their thoughts, even without any clear reason or explanation. You could be engrossed in something completely unrelated, but as if by magic, your mind wanders back to them. You get a feeling that the Universe is preparing you to be reunited with them. At this point, it can be safely said that you are seeing one of the sure-shot twin flame separation ending signs.
4. You see twin flame angel numbers
Angel numbers provide guidance and reassurance that you are on the right path and that the reunion with your counterpart is near. Your guiding angels send you subtle twin flame union signs, trying to nudge you in the right direction. They might give you support, asking you to be patient and helping you in the journey to your much anticipated deeper connection that is about to transform your life.
Well, 1111, 717, 333, 69, 9696, 1212 – all these twin flame reunion numbers have unique meanings. You might feel intuitively connected to a certain sequence that’s special to you. If you begin to see it often, remember that Divinity is by your side and wants nothing else but to reunite you with your twin flame.
5. You become more open to new activities and adventures
With the twin flame connection so near, the closed windows in your life suddenly open up and broaden your horizon. You start acting on your feet without worrying much about the how, when, and what-ifs. From singing at a karaoke bar to going deep-sea diving, your spontaneity takes you everywhere. You welcome change and adventures with open arms. In case you are wondering where this new ‘you’ evolved from, know that it’s one way of moving one step closer to your twin soul, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.
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6. You see other symbols of twin flame reunion after separation
Just like twin flame reunion numbers, your eyes have been chancing upon symbols of the eternal union of the spirit, time and again. These symbols could be a couple of swans, the Pisces symbol, the symbol of infinity, yin and yang, and the number 8 (which looks like the symbol for infinity). So watch out for these twin flame separation ending signs carefully.
If you sense that you share a spirit animal with your twin flame, chancing upon the animal can be one of the signs your twin flame is coming back. A sign can be something that holds meaning to you as an individual and something that you begin to see frequently.
7. You can’t explain your emotions
There are so many emotions that you feel whose root or cause you can’t seem to put a finger on. You feel patient, even though you should feel otherwise waiting for the reunion. You feel a surge of self-love among other new feelings. Why wouldn’t you? After all, your twin flame is a reflection of your own self. You feel extreme exhilaration at times, but you do not know why.
If you have started feeling a plethora of emotions for no apparent reason, it might be an indication that your soul, your intuition, and your true self have all sensed the reunion even if the conscious ‘you’, that is your ego, hasn’t.
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8. You sense your twin flame’s existence near you
Dwelling on the same spiritual plane, twin flames can sense each other’s presence, especially when the reunion is knocking at their doors. You can be alone in a room minding your own business and still feel the energy of another person nearby, almost as if they are sitting next to you. And these feelings get stronger by the day. This directly indicates that your energies are synchronized on a spiritual level and you are about to be reunited with your long-lost twin soul.
9. You are drawn to certain places
One of the subtle twin flame separation ending signs is that you feel an urgent pull to certain places at certain times. You’ll feel that something is trying to lead you to a place that either reminds you of your twin flame, or the Universe is trying to get you to cross paths with them again.
This feeling of wanting to go somewhere without any logical explanation for that desire is a strong indication you are nearing your twin soul reunion. If you get this feeling, do not ignore it. It is one of the strangest twin flame reunion signs to have faith in, but many twin flames have sworn by it.
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10. You get constant reminders of your twin flame
This is one of the most striking twin soul signs of synchronicity. When you see and hear things repeatedly that remind you of your twin flame, the Universe is probably working on drawing your souls back together. Perhaps you are walking on the streets and someone calls your Twin flame’s name loudly, or maybe you see their name on every other billboard, nameplate, or poster. You may notice things related to them, like their favorite book in a store, or catch their favorite song playing on the radio. And you can’t help thinking about them. As your synchronicities are on fire on every front, rest assured that the long wait is about to be over soon.
11. You interact with them on a deeper level
When a twin flame separation is about to come to an end, you start having experiences where you interact with them beyond the physical realm. Many twin flames report experiencing déjà vu before their twin soul reunion. Telepathy, too, is a real thing in a twin flame connection. You may also interact with them in a session of meditation in a way that feels very intense and real — like something you have never experienced before. Your twin flame’s convictions also start feeling very real and intertwined with your own.
12. You experience spiritual growth
This is one of the foremost signs of twin flame reunion after separation that you will absolutely not be able to miss or deny. As your twin flame union approaches, you feel more certain of your destiny. You feel sure of your future, and all the negative thoughts disappear from your head. You understand that things are happening for you at divine timing and there is not much that you can control. Finding yourself in an improved mental state, you learn to let go of things and are more relaxed in your everyday routine.
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13. You feel like you have already reunited
When a twin flame reunion occurs, it might feel like it has already happened. You may expect exhilaration, but what you feel is a sudden sense of familiarity, like it is something you are used to. This means, before it happens in the real physical world, your reunion with them has already happened in the astral metaphysical realm. So, you begin to share a positive relationship with them. This certainty and confidence are among the good twin flame reunion signs that make you feel calm and centered.
14. You develop patience like never before
You are not just any lover, you are a twin flame. In fact, like a diamond, you have been put under infinite pressure and carved into this new person. Even though it can be incredibly hard to let go, you don’t feel the urge to seek validation from anyone about your journey. You don’t feel anxious or impatient and are overall more secure within yourself, and that’s visible self-growth.
You go about your life with the knowledge that the reunion will happen. A sense of surety begins to replace the restlessness you felt earlier. You don’t feel any more panic-like symptoms arising out of stress or uncertainty about the future. You are deeply aware that your twin flame is just around the corner and will be with you when the time is right.
15. You already feel whole
Ultimately, the journey of reuniting with your twin flame is about yourself. In a way, you went through the entire journey and all the twin flame reunion stages, from yearning to falling in love to the troubles and the separation, so you could face your own shadow self and learn to navigate your own dark side. All of this happened so you know yourself better.
You only become ready for the twin flame reunion when you have succeeded in that endeavor. You feel like you are ‘ready’ only when you reach that level of healing. Only then can you deal with the other person’s emotions.
Key Pointers
- Meeting your twin flame is going to be a roller coaster of feelings, and unlike any other experience you have had with anyone else
- You will feel like the stars aligned for you to meet this person. Your intuition is heightened and you feel a pull toward them
- Even though they are different from you, there is a connection between you two that cannot be simplified or explained. It’s like you’ve already known them your whole life
If you are seeing these signs of twin flame reunion after separation, you can rest assured that your twin flame is approaching you. You are about to embark upon an intense relationship that will change you and your life for the better. And as we approach the end, you feel like you never actually needed an article to tell you this. You can already feel it, right?
1212 angel number twin flame indicates that you are about to cross paths with your mirror soul. In a general sense, it indicates new beginnings and the manifestation of one’s dreams, which is where we draw the interpretation for the reunion with a twin flame.
There is a whole list of number sequences or angel numbers that might indicate you have met your soulmate. 000 or 0000, 1111, 333, 777 are a few popular ones. A numerologist may help you find yours. Additionally, if there is a number sequence you notice often, you may ask a numerologist its interpretation for you.
Twin flame 1111 denotes that you are in alignment and harmony with your twin flame and denotes you are ready for reuniting with your twin flame. 333 angel number twin flame reunion along with 555 angel number also mean that your reunion is nearing. 1212 shows that you are about to cross paths with your twin flame and the reunion is just around the corner.
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